Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Christmas Everbody

Here's wishing everyone a really happy, healthy Christmas and a very prosperous and fit 2008


My Health Today

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Health Show Source Today Crohns Disease

Health show source today: Following on from our previous post entitled Health Show Source Today, where we brought you the first ebook review in our mini-series of health related ebook reviews, we'll continue with the second review for your information.

We'll stick to our mini-course title of Health Show Source Today, as it reflects the fact that it is a health show and that we're giving you the information from our source today!

Health Show Source Today

So, without further ado, here is our second health ebook review:

Health Show Source Today

Crohn's Disease is no joke if you are a sufferer. The ongoing bouts of diarrhea and abdominal pains that literally take your breath away whenever you eat a meal are a constant reminder of the sheer misery of Crohn's disease.

It can affect your entire life. It can wreck relationships. It can destroy everything you've lived for.

The terrible and debilitating pain that doctors don't really have a solution to, save for surgery and that is still no guarantee of recovery from this awful disease.

However, the Breakthrough Crohns Disease Guide changes all that. It really does offer a completely natural way to beat this awful condition and the best part is that it does it without drugs or pills and definitely not surgery. You can click this link:Alternative Cures to find out more!

I'll bet you're glad we're doing this health show source today!

My Health Today

Technorati Profile

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Health Show Source Today

Following on from our last post entitled Health Information Foreward, where we outlined our intention to bring you a mini-series of health related ebook and online health-related course reviews, we're proud to present our first review for your information.

We've decided to give our mini-course a title to distinguish from the rest out there while still keeping it withing the health bounds of our theme. So the title of our mini series is Health Show Source Today, reflecting the fact that it is a healthful series and we're giving you the information direct from our source today!

Fertility Problems Solved!

So, here is our first health ebook review:

beat infertility problems
There great thing about this first offering is that it comes courtesy of a fully detailed, eight step guide to getting pregnant naturally. You have probably read many different reasons why you may not be able to get pregnant - even after you've been trying for several months or even years. But focusing on the "why not" is not going to help you in any way.

Natural Fertility Prescription is a no-nonsense, straight to the point mine of information outlining why you haven't been able to conceive and a whole host of simple things you can do to put that right. This course gets you to focus on the "can do" aspect and then shows you exactly how you can overcome your infertility problems and become pregnant!
You've got everything to gain with this one, because it's one of the best resources you're ever likely to come across.
So if you want to have the information you really deserve about getting pregnant, you won't be disappointed!

make sure you click the advertisement image above to get details of how to sign up to this great resource that can give you the most important thing in your life!
So that's our health article for today, all wrapped up in an amazing package that you simply have to take a look at for yourself.

Now aren't you glad we started our health show articles source today!

My Health Today

Health Information Foreward

Following straight on from our first post entitled My Health Today, welcoming you to this blog and all the health information that it will be providing over the course of its life, I'd like to begin with a small mini-series on health related books that might be of interest to the health conscious amongst you.

This mini series will consist of several mini reviews of some very useful health and health related ebooks that have a real place in anyone's healthy lifestyle. They have been chosen for review because we believe that our reviews will give you the information you'll need to make an informed decision as to whether the book is just perfect for your needs, or not as the case may be. They may be on the health benefits of certain foods or drinks, certain fruits or vegetables and many other things besides. You may be surprised at some of the choices, such as chocolate for eating your way to good health rather than all the negative press it used to get. Or the intriguing health benefits that drinking green tea can bring that you would not have expected.

So starting with the next post, we'll bring you the first of our featured health ebook reviews for your information and maybe even for you to add to your library of reading material for a better, more healthy lifestyle.

See what you think when the next post turns up very soon...

My Health Today

My Health Today

Welcome to My Health Today, the new health blog set up to promote a healthy lifestyle and good health for everyone.

The main theme of course is good health, so we'll be bringing you plenty of health related articles, posts and information all related to health and healthy living.

So if you're interested in the state of your health and want to learn more of what makes your body tick and what will keep you looking young, fit and healthy, this is the resource that will fit it perfectly with your own health conscious way of life.

So enjoy good health!

My Health Today